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Your Family's Health Matters To Us!

Every Palmetto Bulldog & Litter Is Carefully Managed To Make Sure You Do Not Have To Worry About Bringing Home Any Parasite That Could Possibly Bring Harm Instead Of Happiness To Your Family! 

A Breeder Skipping, Missing, Using The Wrong/Cheap Medications or Using Most Natural Remedies That Do Not Work For De-Worming Could Lead To More Than "Just Worms." This Is One Of Most Basic Types Of Care That Any Breeder Should Be Paying Very Close Attention To And Be Educated On. If They Are Not It Could Lead To Potential Danger For Your Family. Often people do not understand how important it is to make sure they are getting a properly vetted puppy no matter the pedigree or how cute the puppy is. 

Palmetto Bulldogs Healthy English Bulldogs
Vet Care English Bulldogs of Palmetto Bulldogs

Of all of the types of worms in dogs, the most worrisome—and the most preventable—are heartworms. Mosquitoes transmit the parasite, and since avoiding mosquitoes is nearly impossible in most places, vets recommend regular heartworm preventatives to keep your dog safe. Heartworms grow and multiply within the heart, ultimately leading to death if left untreated


Whipworms are a type of worm in dogs that lives in the cecum (the beginning of the large intestine) and colon, where they pass their eggs into the dog's feces. The eggs can survive for up to five years in suitable environments (warm and moist), which is one of the reasons why cleaning up after your dog immediately is so important for general sanitation and health.


Hookworms are intestinal parasites that cause anemia in dogs and can be fatal in puppies, if left untreated. There are several different kinds of hookworms that can affect dogs, but all feed on your dog’s blood. Your dog can get hookworms from ingesting hookworm larvae from the environment or, in the case of “Ancylostoma caninum,” the infective larvae can pass from a bitch’s milk to her puppies. Hookworms are diagnosed by fecal floats and are treated with deworming medications. ​

Tape Worms

Tapeworms are an intestinal parasite that dogs acquire by accidentally eating fleas or by consuming wild animals infested with tapeworms or fleas. “Dipylidium caninum” is the most common type of tapeworm found in dogs in the U.S. and is passed from fleas to dogs, giving you one more reason to take flea prevention seriously. If your vet suspects your dog has tapeworms, he will probably ask for a fecal sample to look for eggs or segments of tapeworms in your dog’s poop.

Round Worm

Roundworm infections usually happen when soil, sand, or plants that have been contaminated with infected animal feces are accidentally put in the mouth and ingested. Hookworm infections happen when larvae penetrate the skin. This usually happens when people sit or walk on contaminated soil or sand with bare feet. Children are more vulnerable to infection than adults because they play on the ground, may put dirty objects in their mouths,

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